
2008-02-22 09:18:03来源:互联网 阅读 ()


1.帐号被删:My account is 帐户名 .I have receive company's and said that I have cheat!However, I have never cheat !Can you help me to check about it?Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我收到公司信说我作弊,但是我并没有作弊,请问你可不可以帮我检查一下?谢谢你! 中.国.站长站

2.收不到支票:My account is 帐户名 .I still have not got the cheque of 月 份!Can you help me to check about it?Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我还没有收到X月的支票!请问你可不可以帮我检查一下?谢谢你! _com

3.统计不符:My account is 帐户名 .I should have $ X in my account.However, there are only $Y,Can you help me to check about it?Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我应该有X元在帐户中,但是帐户只有Y元,请问你可不可以帮我检查一下?谢谢你! 中.国.站.长.站

4.无法登陆:My account is 帐 户 名 .I used to login everyday.However, i cannot login today!Can you help me to check about it?Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我平常可以正常登陆的,但是今天多次登陆,都无法成功!请问你可不可以帮我检查一下?谢谢你! ^com

5.无法跑surfbar:My account is 帐 户 名 .I cannot use the viewbar,everytime i use it ,it said XXXXX.What should i do?Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我用不到viewbar,每次我用它时,它也说XXXXX。我应该怎样办?谢谢你! 中国站长_站,为中文网站提供动力

6.取消帐户: My account is 帐 户 名 .My password is 密 码. I would like to cancel my account.Thank you for your kind attention!我的帐户是……我的密码是……我想取消帐户。 谢谢你!

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