
2011-08-20    来源:



PHP虚拟主机是通过PHP虚拟主机ware Server虚拟化技术实现的虚拟服务器,虚拟化是一个抽象层,它将物理硬件与操作系统分开,从而提供更高的IT资源利用率和灵活性。PHP虚拟主机是一项服务器虚拟化和自动化技术,它采用的是操作系统虚拟化技术。操作系统虚拟化的概念是基于共用操作系统内核,这样虚拟服务器就无需额外的虚拟化内核的过程,因而虚拟过程资源损耗就更低,从而可以在一台物理服务器上可以实现更多的虚拟化服务器。这些 PHP虚拟主机以最大化的效率共享硬件、软件许可证以及管理资源。



PHPVirtual hostSimple said virtual host is to support the development of the PHP language, we call it the PHP space, also called PHP virtual host. PHP language style is similar to the C language, is now widely used in many web programmer. PHP Webpage file format is.Php, now commonly used in a variety of dynamic website. PHP virtual host advantage for flexible and lightweight convenience. Set the Western digital virtual host good can directly select the PHP virtual host, through online panel full control of PHP space management procedures and documents, can run any application software and create any custom configuration.

How to choose the PHP virtual host space?


1 Selected PHP virtual host services by brands and services

Western Digital was founded in 2002, is a virtual host has a relatively large area of westernDomain name registrationService providers, in China Telecom independent VIP room, is specialized in providing virtual host, virtual host server hosting services; virtual host independent development of the control panel is currently one of the control function of a relatively complete; double line line virtual host in 2006 new effectively solves the.2013 north-south interconnection years elasticCloud hostingSales volume occupies the important a space for one person, is one of the few ICANN and CNNIC dual authentication domain name registrar. The number of users reached 500000, customer service work to do better.

2PHP space IIS and CPU occupancy rate of host selection

IIS numbers: IIS or WEB connection number refers to the same time server can respond to requests for access, can be simply understood as allowing many browser window at the same time you visit the site, for example: 100 IIS connections can have 100 browser window while connecting to the server.

Virtual host CPU usage: CPU refers to your virtual machine in the process of operation, the whole server CPU the proportion of resources. Now a lot of virtualHostAre advertised not restricted IIS number, in order to attract customers.But the reality is that IIS can not make limit, but for your CPU occupancy rate to strict limits, such word, although your IIS is not restricted, but because the CPU occupancy rate is very few, but reduce the availability of your virtual machine. On the other hand, Western Digital offers Linux host, more high performance bearing environment for PHP, cloud computing based architecture, traditional virtual host compared to the small brand, anti risk, data transmission, data processing ability.

3 selected PHP virtual host extensible see traffic and bandwidth

Traffic: the number of pages and other indicators in a certain period of time the virtual host user quantity and the users browse.

Bandwidth: virtual host bandwidth refers to the ability to transfer files, virtual host at the same time.

Now a lot of virtual host state, do not limit flow. But because the server bandwidth is not unlimited, in order to reduce the cost, the general server bandwidth are fast sharing. So in order not to affect the normal use of other clients, virtual hosting providers tend to each user bandwidth to strict limits, even if your site 24 hours a day on the run. The total monthly flow may also only so.

As of this document, we find that, Western Digital has launched twoWestern digital virtual hosting spaceG type Linux space is worth buying PHP virtual hosting space, respectively.B032 type linux1G spacesAndB064 - 1G spaceSupport PHP also support ASP, plus Western digital coupon codeCoupon code:2014sheng100It can directly enjoy the savings 100 yuan preferential benefits, can be said to be affordable PHP host selection!

标签: linux linux主机 php虚拟主机 服务器 服务器端 服务器虚拟化 服务商 机房 脚本 权限 时间服务器 网站 网站建设 问题 西部数码 虚拟服务器 


