
2008-02-22 09:26:49来源:互联网 阅读 ()






对 insertCachedObject 方法的修改请见清单B。




你得对清单C中的Shared Constructor注意了,它负责创建新的线程并启动该线程。我们接下来创建测试程序保证缓存运行正常。测试程序见清单D,该程序是一个控制台程序,当然也可以用.NET Framework 把以上程序当作项目来创建。


Listing A

'Defines a Public Class called CustomCache
Public Class CustomCache
'Declares the hashtable use to store everything put into the cache.
'Since ht is shared there it follows a Singleton pattern
Private Shared ht As System.Collections.Hashtable
'A shared Constructor runs when the class is referenced very first time.
Shared Sub New()
'Instantiates the Hashtable
ht = New Hashtable()
End Sub
'A private constructor prevents clients instantiating CustomCache Object
Private Sub New()
End Sub
'Shared method used to put objects into the cache
Public Shared Sub insertCachedObject(ByVal key As Object, ByVal o As Object)
ht.Add(key, o)
End Sub
'Shared method used to retrieve objects from the cache
Public Shared Function getCachedObject(ByVal key As Object) As Object
Return ht.Item(key)
End Function
End Class

Listing B

Public Shared Sub insertCachedObject(ByVal key As Object, ByVal o As Object, ByVal dtExpiration As Date)
ht.Add(key, o)
'Add the expiration date to the second hashtable using the same key
htExpiration.Add(key, dtExpiration)
End Sub

Listing C

'Imports the Threading namespace - the ThreadStart object resides in it
Imports System.Threading
'Defines a Public Class called CustomCache
Public Class CustomCache
'Declares the hashtable use to store everything put into the cache.
'Since ht is shared there it follows a Singleton pattern
Private Shared ht As System.Collections.Hashtable
Private Shared htExpiration As System.Collections.Hashtable
'This class is responsible for finding expired objects and removing them from the cache
'this class is named TheReaperThread in remembrance of the Grim Reaper!
Class TheReaper
'This method will reap until the cows come home.
Sub ReapBabyReap()
Dim dt As Date
While True
'Output message to the console
Console.WriteLine("The reaper thread is looking for expired objects...")
'Declare an Enumerator - Enumerator are used to iterate collections
Dim myEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator
'Instantiate Enumerator
myEnumerator = htExpiration.GetEnumerator()
'Loops through all items
While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
'get the expiration date
dt = myEnumerator.Value
'Output to the console
Console.Write("Key: " ControlChars.Tab "{0}, Expires: " ControlChars.Tab "{1}", myEnumerator.Key, dt.ToString)
'Compare the date of expiration with the current date and time.
'If its less than or equal to zero in value then item gone
If Date.Compare(dt, Now()) <= 0 Then
'Output to the console
Console.WriteLine(" EXPIRED - Removing")

'Remove the expired item from the main hashtable
'don't forget to remove the expired item htExpiration.Remove(myEnumerator.Key)
' HACK Need to refresh the enumeration.
' This must be done to avoid the exception which occurs otherwise.
' This will cause the loop to restart from the beginning and may



