
2008-02-23 07:24:00来源:互联网 阅读 ()


一. 在单个服务器上的备份
最常见的备份方法是在命令行上用经典的备份程序tar .是最通用最简单也最有用的备份工具
# tar cvf  backup.tar /etc (备份整个etc 目录及下面的所有子目录和文件)
#gzip -9 backup.tar  (得到最大的压缩率)


二. 跨服务器的备份
1. 利用ssh/scp功能直接把文件或目录从一台服务器拷贝到另一台服务器上。
2. 利用smbmount先mount另一台服务器上的Samba共享目录到这台机器的某目录下,直接进行cp操作。
 如:[root@sh/mnt]# smbmount //sh3/pub /mnt/sh3 -N
将服务器sh3上的Samba共享目录pub mount到服务器sh上的/mnt/sh3目录下面。且不提示密码
3.  利用NFS功能进行服务器间的备份,有一定程序的安全性问题,在此不多做介绍。

三. 备份到其它介质
你可以备份到磁带,ZIP drive , JAZ drive
1. 备份到磁带
假设你已经设置并安装好了磁带机,本人用的是HP SuitStore 500,外置,SCSI接口。
1. 查看磁带中的目录  tar tvf /dev/st0 
2. 查看磁带内容并输出到一个文件中 tar tvf /dev/st0 > stlist 
3.  备份档案  tar cvf /dev/st0 /etc 
 tar cvf /dev/st0 /etc/hosts /boot /etc/smb.conf 
4. 按指定的文件内容或目录释放出磁带中的相应文件
tar -T stlist -xvf /dev/st0 
 tar xvfz /dev/st0 /etc/ 
6. 附加个别文件到磁带后面
 tar -r /etc/hosts /etc/passwd -vf /dev/st0 
7. 从现有磁带中删除一个或几个文件
 tar --delete etc/hosts -vf /dev/st0 
8. 附加一个现有的tar文档到磁带后面 
 tar -A pamd.tar -vf /dev/st0
2. 备份到JAZ 驱动器
7.3 Getting a Zip drive to work 
(参见Redhat FAQ: )
There are excellent references in the ZIP HOWTOs at 

Also, there is a Zip HOWTO at:

In Red Hat Linux 6.1, there are a few extra steps needed to get a parallel port Zip drive to work: 

Edit your /etc/conf.modules and add: 

        alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
        alias scsi_hostadapter ppa
Then log in as root and run: 
modprobe ppa 

Some people have had problems if they daisy chain a Zip drive off of a chain with a 
printer on it. Currently, we recommend that you use either the printer or the Zip drive. 

For more information, check 

If you are having problems with an IDE Zip drive, here is further information: 

First check and make sure there is a disk in the drive. Also, make sure you are mounting
 it as partition 4 instead of 1. An example would be hdc4. The reason for this is that 
the Macintosh uses partition 4 for its data partition and has problems if data is on 
another partition. 

3备份到 JAZ 驱动器
四. 跨操作系统进行备份
1. 把Linux服务器上的数据资料备份到windows 95/98机器上
 假定一台windows机器jephe有一完全读写共享目录 data ,且密码为 secret ,现希望把Linux上的

NetWare And Linux

Making your Linux server talk to NetWare servers and printers 

As almost every office-LAN has a NetWare server, your desktop client must be able to talk
 to NetWare. This article tells you how a Linux box can access files on a Novell server 
and print to a Novell print queue.

Linux, by default, uses the IP network protocol for network communication. However, Novell 
NetWare uses the IPX network protocol. As the Linux kernel has a completely new network 
implementation compared to other operating systems like Unix, it supports a range of 
non-TCP/IP protocols including the IPX protocol. Kernels 2.x onwards have built-in IPX 
support. The Red Hat Linux distributed on our CD-ROM has it too. The Linux kernel supports
 the IPX protocol only. It does not, yet, support protocols such as IPX/RIP, SAP, or NCP.

The first step is to configure your IPX interfaces. 

Login as root 
Type ipx_configure--auto_primary= on --auto_interface=on 
Wait for a minute and type cat /proc/net/ipx_interface. You should see something like: 
Network Node_Address Primary Device Frame_Type
000000E1 00A0C925164A Yes eth0 802.2 

     4.Type slist. You should see a list of the NetWare servers on your LAN. 

Known NetWare File Servers Network Node Address



