


proftpd.conf如何改?我要限制不同ftp user在他自己目录读写,其他目录不可读写.请帮一把巴!!请看一下这个配置文件错在那里:(ftp user and ftp group有了,控制目录是 /app/ftpdir 允许目录是 /app/ftpdir/pearl )
# virtual hosting server configuration
# for frontier internet services limited
# (http://www.000.com/)
servername “master webserver”
# spawn from inetd?
#servertype inetd
# or maybe a standalone server…
servertype standalone
# dont give the server banner until _after_ authentication
deferwelcome off
# some basic defaults
port 21
umask 002
timeoutlogin 120
timeoutidle 600
timeoutnotransfer 900
timeoutstalled 3600
# no, i dont think well run as root!
user ftp
group ftp

# we want clients to be able to login with “anonymous” as well as “ftp”
useralias anonymous ftp
requirevalidshell no

# this is a non-customer usable name, (ie they should be connecting via www.{domain})
# not hostname. therefore lets dump them in a dummy account and wait for them to
# scream.
defaultroot /app/ftpdir/
# performance, lets do dns resolution when we process the logs…
usereversedns off
# where do we put the pid files?
#scoreboardpath /var/run/proftpd
# logging options
#transferlog /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/xferlog.legacy
# some logging formats
#logformat default “%h %l %u %t “%r” %s %b”
#logformat auth “%v [%p] %h %t “%r” %s”
#logformat write “%h %l %u %t “%r” %s %b”
# global settings

displaylogin welcome.msg
displayfirstchdir readme
# having to delete before uploading is a pain 😉
allowoverwrite yes
# turn off ident lookups
identlookups off
# logging
# file/dir access
# extendedlog /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/access.log write,read write
# record all logins
# extendedlog /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/auth.log auth auth
# paranoia logging level….
##extendedlog /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/paranoid.log all default

# deny writing to the base server…



# ——————————————–
# virtual servers start here….
# (note: this is normally auto generated by a
# script written in house).
# ——————————————–
# ewftp.ewserver.com.
# this is the default server
# gets all the connections for www.{customer.domain},

serveradmin admin@ewserver.com
servername “ewmaster ftpserver”
maxloginattempts 2
requirevalidshell no
# transferlog /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/xferlog.www
maxclients 50
defaultserver on
#defaultroot ~ !staff
defaultroot /app/ftpdir
allowoverwrite yes

# no quickly do we kick someone out
timeoutlogin 120
timeoutidle 600
timeoutnotransfer 900



user ftp
group ftp
useralias anonymous ftp




# ——————————————–

# ——————————————–

# block them from doing anything other than reading…





floatboat told me this below,but didnt work:
修改proftpd.conf,添加defaultroot ~ groupname

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